Learn to improve the fundamental movement skills in participants through the NCCP Fundamental Movement Skills Workshop!
By completing the NCCP Planning a Practice module you will be able to organize a well-structured practice plan with safe, age-appropriate activities you’ve designed to match the proficiency level of participants.
This is a Competition Development multi-sport course. This course will enable you to implement general and sport-specific training protocols and methods to effectively develop or maintain athletic abilities specific to your sport.
This is a Competition Introduction Multi-Sport module. With the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions workshop you will be fully equipped to handle virtually any ethical situation with confidence and surety.
This is a Competition Development Multi-Sport course. This module will allow you to promote a positive image of sport, and model it to athletes and those supporting their performance.
This is a Competition Introduction multi-sport course. With the workshop you will be able to analyze certain coaching situations to determine if they promote learning.
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