Help! I’m a New Coach!

First of all, thank you for picking up a whistle and getting behind the bench to coach in Ontario!

We know it can be a lot of work to find your next steps when getting started in the world of sport coaching. That is why CAO has a number of programs and supports to help you get started…

Now that you are coaching, you have probably been asked to fulfill certain training requirements by your club.

Every sport is different and there is no one single pathway to becoming or progressing as a coach.

  • Begin by contacting the Provincial Sport Organization (PSO) for the sport you are coaching
  • Each PSO website usually will have a coaching page which will outline the pathway to certification in each context
  • Depending on the age group and setting you are coaching in, your sport may have various combinations of Sport Specific (taken through the PSO) and Multi Sport (taken through us at the CAO) courses
  • PSO websites will list upcoming Sport Specific courses or link to registration pages
  • If you need a Multi Sport Module, CLICK HERE to check our calendar for in-class and online options

If you can’t find something on the calendar, have questions about how to reach out to your PSO or if you have other questions, visit our CONTACT US page and give us a call or email

Please contact us – the CAO Team is here to help!

We know there are many out-of-pocket expenses for coaches. That’s why, with generous funding support from the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, you can apply for a Bursary to be reimbursed for the cost of many NCCP multi-sport and sport specific trainings.

  • Coaches can receive up to a maximum of $300 per individual in the fiscal year (April 1st-March 31st)
  • Bursary covers a percentage of eligible course registration fees
  • Bursary can be used to cover workshop OR evaluation costs

For more information or to apply for a Coach Bursary, CLICK HERE.

Find out if you are eligible to receive a Coach Bursary

If you’re nervous about the responsibilities of being a coach and having all the tools you need to create a safe, inclusive and FUN space for your athletes, check out our Safe Sport 101 website!

Safe Sport 101 can help you:

  • Foster inclusion and belonging
  • Prevent injuries
  • Create positive sport
  • Implement safety guidelines
  • Support Optimal Health & Wellness
  • And more!

PLUS SS101 allows you to access the Playbook, an 8-part self-guided eLearning series for coaches that focuses on what they can do to create a positive sport experience for everyone.

At less than 15 minutes per module, the playbook was designed with a coach’s busy schedule in mind. With their responsive design you can take these modules on any device, allowing you to advance your safe sport knowledge whenever and wherever works best for you.

The X’s & O’s of creating safe & fun sport for everyone

Sign up for the CAO email list to receive our quarterly newsletter which has information about:

  • Mentorship program intake
  • First access to events like the Ontario Coaches Summit Series, the Ontario Coaching Excellence Awards and more
  • The latest updates to funding
  • And more!

Stay connected to receive first-access & bonus offers!

View all available courses in Ontario

How to create an NCCP# to register for NCCP Courses

Check out our Frequently Asked Coaching Questions

Please contact us – the CAO Team is here to help!