
The Coaches Association of Ontario strives to be a voice for the tens of thousands of coaches we interact with each year.

If you are a coach and find yourself in a situation where you need guidance or to be connected to proper resources, please do not hesitate to reach out to us and we will guide you to the very best of our abilities.

Please contact us – the CAO Team is here to help!

The Ontario Coaching Report is a research study that examines the state of coaching sport in Ontario. This is the first study of its kind that specifically looks at coaching across all levels and the impact that it has on sport and recreation in the province.

To learn about the Ontario Coaching Landscape and find out how you can improve the sport system as a Coach, Parent or Sport Administrator, please read the expansive findings from the Ontario Coaching Report:



NEW landmark study into the state of coaching in Ontario

The Coaches Association of Ontario has seen the rise and increased visibility of anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism in Ontario, Canada and around the world. As an organization, CAO continues to educate ourselves and reflect on how we can help address racism targeted at Black, Indigenous and other racialized groups in the sport system.

Coaches are leaders in communities. As such, Black, Indigenous and coaches of Colour should be supported by the sport system, their communities, their peers and by us. There is no place for racism of any kind in sport. The mission of the Coaches Association of Ontario is to develop competent and certified coaches, and we want to be clear that part of being a competent and certified coach is being an anti-racist coach.

To read more about our Commitment to Anti Racism in Coaching and the importance of being an anti-racist coach, please read our full Commitment HERE.

Complete the Anti-Racism in Coaching eLearning module

Eligible coaches can apply to receive 100% of their NCCP workshop fee covered under the low income coach bursary. This initiative is aimed at removing financial barriers for coaches who meet the eligibility criteria.

Individual coaches can apply, or their club/organization can apply on their behalf. Full program and eligibility details can be found on the Funding for Coaches page.

For more information about the Coach Bursary program, please email or call (416) 426-7086

100% back on training for eligible coaches

We all encounter conflict within our professional, social and coaching lives. As a coach, the best thing you can do to prepare yourself for any conflict is to be well trained and know what issues you are qualified to address and which should be turned over to authorities. The NCCP offers several modules which help give you the tools to deal with conflicts within your teams such as:

If you are experiencing a conflict within your local sport organization, a good place to begin is by contacting your Provincial Sport Organization (PSO). If you are not sure how to contact your PSO, please visit out Contact Your Sport page.

There are several external agencies where you can go to access conflict resolution resources:

  • The Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada is Canada’s premier source for tools and information to help prevent and resolve disputes at the highest levels of the Canadian sport system. Their website contains one of the world’s largest on-line collections of reference materials and practical tools designed to meet the unique needs of athletes, coaches, officials, administrators, national and multi-sport organizations as well as the legal community. For information about pro bono opportunities, please click HERE.
  • Abuse-Free Sport Helpline services calls and forwards to the appropriate organization (National or Provincial Sport Organization as needed)
  • Sport Integrity Commissioner for National level context inquiries
  • Sport Law Legal Services for conflict and dispute management
  • ITP Sport support for coaches

The cornerstone of NCCP Training. A must for all coaches

Homophobia is prominent in Canadian sports. Inclusivity and positive sporting
experiences start with coaches. Providing coaches with the tools to combat homophobia in sports will help provide a positive sporting experience and quality coaching to all athletes.

Please take a look at these valuable resources for how you can use your role of coach to create a safe space for ALL of your participants and athletes.

When coaches take a leadership role in the inclusion of all