Getting the most out of our athletes can be difficult. However, before we ask our athletes to perform, we must first look inward and evaluate the path we have set ourselves. What is your coaching philosophy? How does your philosophy drive you to adapt and be the best leader you can be?
Toronto Raptors Jama Mahlalela shares how you can “Win the Moment” and become the best leader you can be. Sharing team and player stories, Jama brings insight and expertise to help you build the right pathway for your success. Building the right pathway will give you the power to create better people and better performances.
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How has your coaching philosophy changed over time?
Share your tips and best practices!
Cassie Hawrysh – Volleyball – Manitoba – 5+ Years
“Creating an environment that is lead through questions more than directives – Helping to create more self-sufficient athletes (vs. coach-dependant).”
Jeff Allen – Hockey – Mississauga – 20 Years
“Listening to other Coaches from sports different than mine speak has given me the opportunity to “borrow” things and add to my toolbox from sources I would not have previously thought would be helpful.”
Glenn Gabriel – Curling – Pickering – 14 Years
“At first I didn’t have a particular answer to “why I coach”. I enjoyed seeing my athletes learn new skills. So I emphasized the importance of WHAT I taught, focusing on curriculum and choosing the specific skills and drills I was using. Then I shifted to more athlete-centred coaching, focusing on HOW I taught kids, working on communication and recognizing individual needs.
Today, my philosophy is a mix of those two elements (WHAT and HOW). However, the overall goal is to ensure my athletes and fellow coaches HAVE FUN by PLAYING GAMES. That doesn’t mean my kids scrimmage indiscriminately – it means that I try to “game-ify” our activities as much as possible. I’m trying to develop a love of the sport, with less emphasis on “exact technique”, especially for my kids.”
Michelle Cundari – Hockey – North Bay – 20 Years
“It has matured – I have become a smarter coach and continue to learn from others. The process is never-ending!”
Mike Stinson – Hockey – Chatham – 5 Years
“I think that I’ve realized that coaching needs to be about the players you’re developing and their overall well-being. A good athlete is a healthy athlete and that’s about their physical, mental and emotional well-being. Coaching is much more than X’s and O’s and winning the game.”
Ted Chapman – Baseball – Brantford – 40 Years
“Philosophy hasn’t changed as much as ability to decide was is relevant and what isn’t and what can I control and what can’t I control.”
Shankar Premakanthan – Field Hockey – Toronto – 13 Years
“I believe my coaching philosophy has evolved over time & has been shaped by my experience & interactions. I believe it has guided me throughout my coaching career, and I know it will continue to evolve.”
Vanessa Keenan – Artistic Swimming – Alberta – 19 years
“I am more concerned about the athletes out of the sporting environment.”
Bryan Merrett – Baseball – Orleans – 24+ Years
“As I have gotten older I have learned to better understand the people I am helping get better in sport. The personal relationship is SO important. It helps to build trust, enjoyment and a love of the sport.”
Paul Bullock – Volleyball – Collingwood – 44 Years
“I have played sport at local, county, national, and international levels and there is something that I only learned towards the end of my sporting career and as I took coaching more seriously. My development was hindered by winning to much. You need to teach that losing is a learn opportunity. Winning, on the other hand promotes confidence, which can be great but, in large doses can also be a disaster. The balance of winning and losing is very important in younger plays and should be part of the building blocks of development in any sport. If winning comes easy there is no hunger for training, learning, and devotion to team work. My approach has developed into no focus on winning, it’s all about development, achieving personal goals, and congratulating moments when “it all comes together”. Winning becomes a byproduct of this approach.”
“To think about it, definitely look on making more of a relationship with the players, see what they are interested in, to help with their development in their sport or sports so that they have a feeling of accomplishment, and to guide them to the next level, while at the same time having fun doing it.”
Ron Graham – Hockey – Nepean – 45 Years
“I have become more sensitive to individual needs and the importance of spending time with the athlete on a more personal level.”
Paulina Bond – Swimming – London – 2 Years
“By taking the time to reflect, I am constantly learning and therefore constantly evolving as a coach”
Ross Clarke – Basketball – Port Sydney – 20 Years
“Allowing athletes to have a greater contribution to their role on the team. We often “complain” that players do not communicate well, but often we don’t give them a chance to communicate to work on it”
Louise Smith – Volleyball – Orleans – 15 Years
“The more I attend training sessions and work with different coaches the more I glean how better to work with athletes. If you do not keep learning you will be left behind and it is the athlete that will pay that prices not necessarily the coach.”
Rejeanne MacLeod – Curling – Sault Ste. Marie – 18 years
“My coaching philosophy has changed from experience and who I am coaching. If my player’s are brand new, I’m focused on getting them on time, safety, rules, having their attention and having fun. My other coaching of College teams it’s about setting goals, expectations, team work, drills, and exhibitions.”
Joe Benedetti – Softball – Hamilton – 20+ Years
“Over time it has become evident that rep sports have somehow created financial and other barriers that has limited the ability of those families with less to have their athletes participate. This disturbing trend has given me cause to pause and reflect on how I can ensure that any athlete can tryout, be selected and participate in the program – develop their skills and attend competitions, regardless of financial concerns.
Simply procedures like doing an analysis: Is this a must-have, should have, or just a would be nice to have” budget item. Suffice to say we discovered we do not need new equipment bags every year with the team logo, player’s name and number on them.”
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This is a Competition Introduction Multi-Sport module. With the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions workshop you will be fully equipped to handle virtually any ethical situation with confidence and surety.
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